Tuesday, November 28, 2006

In response to Fred's comment on Eric Kirk's blog.

Fred said...
"I frequently meet my dinner in person, and so do the other homeless people
I hang around. Heck, whaddya think happened to that toothless hilaire snot? He
was good eatin. A bit gristly but hey ya gotta take whattya can catch and those
little high school girls are pretty dang slippery."

I may be wrong, but I don't
think this is Plazoid. I think we have a troll here. I've gotten this weird
stuff on my blog, too.
6:22 PM

Fred, it indeed is me. As I've said before, we at the Plazoid are a richly diverse group of homeless people who have banded together to fight for the rights of the homeless. Now whilst it may seem strange to you as of late that the posts have been a bit off center you must remember that every winter we get a new influx of homeless men and boys. Sadly few homeless women or girls because they quickly find out about our belief that if they belong to our "tribe" every tribe member can do what they choose with them.

I digress. Point is that it indeed is still I in charge of the Plazoid blogsite and plan on being more vocal in the future as to ensure rights to the homeless.The Arcata homeless community took a huge hit in the last election due to losing Meserve and acquiring Stillman and Wheetley, both of whom expect the homeless to get jobs, dwellings, soap, and other so called modern neccesities.

To this we give a loud and resounding "NO!".

It is the duty of every working stiff to ensure that the homeless remain fat and happy. I also remind the working stiffs to please leave your doors and windows unlocked when you aren't home and please please please keep your daughters hot tub parties in clear view of all dumpsters and alleys.

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